How it works?


Precise Geometric Integrity
Immaculate Border Condition
Perfect Alignment and Symmetry
Flawless Card Face
Absence of Corrosion and Discoloration


Originally, grading used to be practiced by humans, where an “expert” (usually collectors themselves) where hired by companies to grade cards based on their opinion. The problem here is evident, and lies in the fact that the grading could never be actually accurate, as humans are NOT perfect machines.

But machines are, and their calculations cannot be disputed. Artificial Intelligence has its own digital brain and calculating patterns, hence Intelligence, which applies the coding of it’s firmware with the experience that it accumulates during training, to calculate results in the matter of milliseconds.

Combining the calculation from CYBER GRADING V1 with laser grade measurements performed by scientific grade machinery, we are able to provide objective and undisputable grades.

Comprehensive Structural Analysis for Grading

  • The corner should not display any type of microscopic whitening or tear/wear of the area. Immaculate cornes, with sharp angles (when present) or rounded corners with the exact radius of curvature from the original factory design (when present).
  • Perfect symmetrical centering, left to right and top to bottom.

  • It also need to have perfectly alligned angles (if present) and inter-corner lines that are exactly parallel to the respective border (if present).

  • The surface should be absolutely immaculate, with no signs of altering factors, no scratches of press point of any kind, perfect printing distrubution, perfect display of holographic patterns (if present), parameter-set distribution of refractance.

  • Oxidation is a critical factor in card grading, and our assessment ensures the absence of corrosion and discoloration on the card’s surface. We meticulously examine cards to guarantee their long-term preservation and value retention, offering collectors peace of mind.

The grade tier are determined as follows